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IMPORTANT: COVID-19 Update from Bishop Christian

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ;

In response to directives from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and New Hampshire Health and Human Services, Bishop Libasci has released a letter stating that the celebration of Mass as we are accustomed to it in the diocese will change in light of the information we are receiving. We are mindful of our obligation to protect the most vulnerable and protect the common good.

Until further notice, weekend and weekday Mass will not be available to the general public.  I will continue to celebrate Mass privately for all the people of the parish and will pray for the intentions for each Mass.  Please refer to the bulletin for Mass Intention schedule changes.

  • All group activities will be cancelled until further notice.  This includes; Stations of the Cross, Adoration, Rosary, Lenten Adult Enrichment, Gift and EDGE programs, and the Palm Sunday meditation “His Priceless Gift”.

  • Confession will continue to be available on Saturday at 3 p.m.

  • The church will remain open for prayer from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day, 7 days a week.

  • Please refer to the CDC website for recommendations including those who are at higher risk

Regarding the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays, given the serious nature of the pandemic and the fact that Mass will not be available to the general public, the obligation is impossible to fulfill and so it is automatically lifted and cannot be binding. This is the official teaching of the Church.

In his letter, Bishop Libasci tells us that It is a great and necessary comfort to those who cannot be present to know that their personal intentions will not be suspended or changed. It is also a great sign of care and a comfort for the people to know that the Mass is still being offered for all of them by their priests.

We will provide updates via email, our bulletin, website and Facebook page.  We will also provide information for attending Mass ‘virtually’ as well as other resources.  In order to receive parish email updates, please be sure to contact the parish office at (603) 883-0757 to provide your most up to date email address.

Parishioners who miss these times will be able to leave their donations inside the church during the hours that the building is open.

Let us pray for one another during these trying days.  And let us be ready to reach out with assistance to those who stand in special need.  The Lord will see us through.  His resurrection will bring us new life.

May God Bless You,

+Bishop Christian



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