Hello Dear Parish Family,
We hope this email finds you well! It’s really beginning to look like (and sort of feel like) spring despite that crazy snow we received last Friday. It wouldn’t be a New England spring without some type of snow. At least it melts away quickly during this time of the year. We’re beginning to see more and more familiar faces back at our weekend Masses and this brings us so much joy! We continue to miss those of you who are still unable to join us in person and we hope that you’ve been uniting with us via our Saturday 4pm and Sunday 10am livestream Masses. We continue to keep you close in thought and prayer and we look forward to seeing you back in person with us soon! We’re extremely grateful for your continued support.
For those of you that might have missed this announcement after our Masses this past weekend or on our various parish communication platforms, please read below for some important parish personnel news.
After 44 years of wonderful service to our parish family, our Business Manager, Helen Dumont, will begin a new ministry for the parish beginning July 1st. At that time, she will assume the part time position of Director of Parish Outreach Services in which capacity she will oversee all of the parish activities involving bereavement ministry, support for the Corpus Christi Food Pantry, Christmas outreach to the wider community, parish tithing, services to the homebound, the Holiday Fair, and similar responsibilities.
Effective that same date, Diane Mattock, a member of the parish Finance Committee, will become part time Business Manager of the parish. Longtime parishioner, Janet Martin, will assist her several hours a week with data input.
We look forward to all of their contributions to these ministries and we’re grateful to them for sharing their time and talents with our parish family.
Blessings and peace from Bishop Christian and the Parish Staff!
Kim Dupont
Office Manager
St. Joseph the Worker Parish
777 West Hollis St., Nashua NH 03062
603-883-0757, Ext. 2