Welcome! Here you will find the latest information on our Parish and Diocesan-wide activities. Also view our Bulletin and Parish Calendar for additional information.
In Memoriam
Let us pray for all those who died recently. May our compassionate and loving God welcome
Claire Rioux
into His Kingdom and bring comfort to us who mourn.
The Pope’s September Prayer Intention
For The Cry Of The Earth
Let us pray that each of us listen with our hearts to the cry of the Earth and of the victims of environmental disasters and the climate crisis, making a personal commitment to care for the world we inhabit.
To see video click here.
“BROWN BAG” Weekend
This weekend, September 7th-8th we are holding a “Brown Bag” Weekend to help Corpus Christi Food Pantry with their early fall requests. There will be bags available in the Narthex with lists of requested food items. We ask that you return your donations by next weekend, September 14th-15th. A trailer will be parked at the main entrance of the church for your convenience.
Bless you for your support!
Healing Prayer Ministry
Are you or someone you love in need of prayer? Our Healing Prayer Ministry teams
will be available next weekend, September 14th-15th, after each weekend Mass in the Eucharistic Chapel. Those wishing to receive prayer for physical, emotional or spiritual needs for themselves or a loved one should sit in the seats in front of the Chapel after Mass.
Catechetical Sunday
Catechetical Sunday, September 15th, is the annual opportunity the Church gives us to reflect on the role that each of us plays, by virtue of our Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. This year’s theme is Lord, when did we see you hungry? Mt. 25:37. Catechetical Sunday is the day for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith. We are called to bring the Lord by word and action to our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Coats for Kids
Knights of Columbus
Council 12311
During the winter many children in our community go without warm coats. Please click here for information on the Knights of Columbus Coats for Kids program. Your monetary help is needed and greatly appreciated!
NEW: Diocese of Manchester Blue Mass
The annual Blue Mass will be held on Sunday, October 6, 2024 at 10:30 am at St. Joseph Cathedral in Manchester. All are welcome to attend this Mass to pray for and with members of law enforcement, firefighters, EMTs, and dispatchers
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Are you looking to become Catholic, or do you know someone who is looking to become Catholic? Are you an adult Catholic and not yet confirmed? Are you interested in assisting others in becoming Catholic and would like to join the RCIA team? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then please contact Deacon Roland Leduc at: 617-279-9002 or There will be an information session on November 3, 2024 at 11:30 am in the Founder’s Room to learn more about the RCIA program.
Thank you and God bless!
The Men of St. Joseph Next Meeting
Please join us for Faith Formation, Fellowship and Food. Saturday, September 14th @ 7:15 – 9:00 am in the Church Hall The Men of St. Joseph is an association of Christian men across the United States, united under the Catholic Church, who meet on a regular basis to learn and pray together and encourage each other to be the spiritual leaders of their families. We know it is a struggle to balance being a husband, father, worker, coach, friend and spiritual leader. The Men of St. Joseph understand that with each other’s support and shared accountability, it becomes a little easier. Most importantly we know that if we surrender our day to day problems to God, we will be better husbands, fathers and friends. Through Christ, we will become the best version of ourselves.
We welcome all men to join us on this journey.
Please sign up at: or email Deacon Doug Hoffer at:
WINGS Gathering - Saturday, October 5, 10am-Noon
All women are invited to our next WINGS (Women in God's Spirit) gathering, "Reflecting on God's Grandeur" on Saturday, October 5 from 10:00-noon. At this picturesque time of year, join us as we observe God's creation and reflect on this truly great gift God has given us to behold. In the poetic words of Gerard Manley Hopkins, “The world is charged with the grandeur of God.” It awaits our eyes, our appreciation and connection to our God.
Pre-registration is required by completing the registration form on our WINGS webpage or by calling the parish office at 603-883-0757, ext. 2. Early registration is recommended. We hope you will join us!
Fall Cook Off Cook Out
The Family Ministry Committee is very excited to invite you to join us for a gathering for the people of the parish to come together. In the past few months, we have noticed new faces at our weekend masses. This is a great opportunity for all parishioners (new and old) to socialize and perhaps meet new fellow parishioners.
Please click here for details!
2024 Memorial Bricks
Applications for the 2024 Memorial Bricks are available in the plastic wall jackets in the gathering space or download here. There are check boxes to indicate the Marian Garden and Flag Pole areas. Once you’ve completed the form, please either mail or return it to the parish office with payment. The deadline for requests is: September 30th. For more details please call John Puliafico at 603-883-0757, ext. 6 or by visiting our website here.
Important Dates for EDGE and GIFT Programs!
Saturday, September 7th/Sunday, September 8th - First weekend of the GIFT Program for students in Kindergarten through grade 5.
September 14th/15th Parent meeting for the GIFT Program after all the Masses.
Sunday, September 15th, 6-8pm - First evening of the EDGE Program for students in grades 6, 7 & 8.
Living the Liturgy at Home
Lord Jesus Christ, in your holy face we see the face of God. Help us to keep our eyes always fixed on you, so that in everything we do, we may be pleasing to you. May we love you and follow you all the way to God’s Kingdom, where you live and reign with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever, Amen.
Are there times in our lives when we choose the easier, more comfortable route or give in to temptations instead of being faithful to God? During those moments, how do we try to make the right choice?
Make a list of favorite service projects your family has done together or individually. Decide together which ones to make annual events at certain times of the year. Commit to exploring new opportunities to serve during Advent and Lent. At the completion of service, talk about your experiences and connect them to your response to God.
. . . that many great saints have at times experienced some challenges and difficulties? For example, St. Teresa of Calcutta admitted to loneliness and isolation from God at times in her life, but she always remained faithful to her calling.
2020 Liturgy Training Publications. 800-933-1800. Permission to publish granted by the Archdiocese of Chicago, on June 25, 2020.
Corpus Christi Food Pantry Requests
Items that are low at the pantry:
Stuffing, Chicken Noodle Soup, Brownie Mix,
Syrup, Canned Corn, Mustard, Saltines, Tea, Cookie Mix,
Pasta Sides, Hamburger Helper and Toothpaste.
Thank you for your generous and continued support!
Update: What so ever you do........
Thank you for joining with the EDGE Program in a special outreach project for the youth in Nashua who have aged out of the foster care system.
Requests as of 8/15/24
The youth are urgently in need of gift cards to Market Basket, Target, Walmart and also personal care items, i.e., soap, shampoo, deodorant, etc. You may drop off your gift card donations at the parish office.
Thank you and God Bless!
All Are Welcome! Please Join Us!
Adoration Of the Blessed Sacrament
Tuesday evenings - 6 to 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday mornings - 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon
“Every Holy Hour we make so pleases the Heart of Jesus that it is recorded in Heaven and retold for
all eternity!” ~ St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta
6:00-7:00 pm
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament,
beginning with the Rosary, quiet time
and faith building prayers.
Resources can be found on our parish
2025 Mass Book
To make a request you may call the parish office, place your Mass Intention in an envelope marked “Mass Request” and place it in the offertory basket or stop by the parish office during regular hours. The suggested donation is $10.00.
Parish Communications
Read the latest communications from the parish. To be added to our email distribution, click here.
FORMED Pick of the Week
Diving into the beauty of the Faith has never been easier: at home, on the go, or from any internet connected device. Discover thousands of books, audio talks, movies, documentaries, and studies... there is something for every member of the family to help them grow closer to Christ and His Church. Visit our FORMED page for more information. Check out this week's recommendations from FORMED.
Online Giving
For those of you interested in using “online giving”, please click on the Online Giving “button” which can be found in the top right corner or call Helen Dumont in the Finance Office for more details at 603-883-0757, ext. 3.
🎶 Music for the Soul! 🎶
During difficult times, music can draw us closer to God and through his grace bring peace to our troubled hearts.
K-Love Christian radio is now in our area! You can listen to uplifting contemporary Christian music by tuning to 107.3FM!
Music For Your Soul! Check out our website at:
Grow in Faith Resources
Please visit our Grow in Faith webpage to find many free resources to support prayer and engagement during these difficult days. Also visit our Music for the Soul page for curated playlists.
A valuable resource for the Liturgy of the Word for different age groups and families ~ please click here to go to Loyola Press Sunday Connection.
"God speaks to us in many ways, including through the Sunday Scripture readings. The Sunday Connection provides useful background and activities to better understand the upcoming Sunday's Scripture readings, helping you to connect the Scripture to daily life in a meaningful way.".
Got Pictures?
Have pictures of Parish activities you’d like to share? We’d LOVE to use them on the Parish Website and Facebook page to promote our lively community! Please send pictures to Melissa Spinella at Thank you!
Sunday: 8 a.m. & 10 a.m.
©2019 by Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Church
powered by the Holy Spirit