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A Message from Deacon Roland

Happy Easter to you all,

We have all learned different ways of doing things in our lives that have gone beyond what we have been accustomed to. For instance, the way we shop for food, clothing, and essential items. Many of us have left our comfort zones and learned how to do this online, and for some it has been a life saver. We have also learned how to keep in touch with family and friends via social media, just so we can have a bit of human interaction with others. Some of us have even resorted to cutting our own hair, (As you can see by my recent photo!) The point is we have all adapted in some way to make the best of this current situation that we are living in. Yes, even our way of worship has been interrupted as we know it, we especially felt this during the most sacred time of Holy week. I truly missed being with you all physically and sharing in this great time with you all, but I know that we were united in prayer by the power of the Holy Spirit. As we continue our Easter journey, please know that I pray for each and every one of you. I pray for good health both physically and mentally. I pray for a speedy end to this pandemic, and I pray that I can hug each and everyone one of you with a loving embrace very soon. Please know that I am here for each and every one of you. May God bless you all, and may the love of His Son Jesus Christ also be with you.

God Bless

Deacon Roland Leduc



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