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Email to Our Parishoners

Dear Parish Family,

We hope and pray that you’re well and staying safe during these extraordinary times.  Please find below, a second letter from Bishop Christian.  Thank you in advance for taking time to read it.

We’re also happy to share the first of a weekly series of video addresses by Bishop Christian.  Please be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notifications of future videos.

We continue to encourage you to visit our Facebook page and parish website for future updates, livestream Mass information, faith formation resources and much more!

As a reminder, our weekly bulletin may also be found on our parish website.

We continue to pray for all those affected by the coronavirus, the health and safety of our parish family, all medical professionals and first responders, our nation and our world.

Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” – John 11:25-25

God bless you!


My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

I hope you and your families are well and staying safe as, together, we endure this national health crisis. Each day as I celebrate Mass (which, by the way is very strange without a congregation), I am praying for each one of you that the Lord gives us what we need during these difficult days. I hope you are using our parish website and our Facebook page to keep up to date and to also benefit from the many spiritual resources available to you on them. Remember, that our church is open for private prayer from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. seven days a week. Also, if you have not provided us with an email address, please contact our Office Manager, Kim Dupont at 603-883-0757, ext. 2 or so we can more easily stay in contact with you. Please don’t hesitate to phone or email me if there is anything I can do for you.

If any one of you is in short term critical financial difficulty, perhaps the parish can help you. Over the years our Tithing Fund has set up an emergency component. While the funds available in it are not substantial, we can consider some assistance for you if you are truly in need and have nowhere else to turn.

Just as you do, the parish also still has regular financial obligations during this time and we humbly ask that, insofar as your financial situation permits, you continue to contribute your weekly offering to the parish. You can put it in the mail, drop it off during business hours, or go to our website to use the online giving opportunity there. Thank you for doing the best you can in this regard.

As Holy Week approaches, we will share special opportunities for prayer and reflection. Palms will be available for pick-up beginning on Saturday, April 4th through Good Friday, April 10th from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. You may also take this opportunity to return your CRS Rice Bowls. There will be a basket near the baptismal font for you to place your donations. God bless you for your generosity for those in need.

The Lord always brings good from evil for us if we let Him. In this case, maybe it is a renewed appreciation of all we take for granted or a deeper understanding of our human limitations, and indeed, of the briefness of our lives here on earth.  But as we approach Easter, we remember that the cross, borne in faith, always leads to new life. It is that new life we hope for and wait for together.

Sincerely in Christ,

+Bishop Christian



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