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Life as fragile as fresh strawberries

During Bishop Christian’s knee replacement recuperation, we’ll be using the J.S. Paluch Company bulletin resources and the “Living the Word” scripture reflections for our weekly reflections.

A jar of honey lasts practically forever. The oldest jar of honey ever discovered was over five thousand years old. Honey is quite different from market-fresh produce, then; because most fruits and vegetables last only a few days, we treat them carefully. At this time of summer, we rush to find recipes for cherries and cucumbers so we won’t waste a single one. We wouldn’t feel that same urgency about honey. In our own way, we are as delightful and fragile as ripe produce. Today’s readings urge us not to spoil, but to make good use of our limited time on earth. Ecclesiastes reminds us that because God provides for us now and always, we can manage our daily affairs without anxiety. Saint Paul encourages the Colossians to keep thoughts of heaven in everything they do, and Jesus himself asks us to treasure not earthly wealth, but God alone.


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