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Email to our Parishioners

Hello Dear Parish Family,

Today we celebrate Ascension Thursday!  The Ascension is the completion of the Easter mysteries of Jesus’ life, passion, death and resurrection.  It is the final step before the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.  Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he told his disciples they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them and that: “I am with you always, until the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).  This is a wonderful reminder for us during this extraordinary time of sacrifice!

We hope you had a good week!  This email is a bit lengthy, so grab your cup of coffee or cold drink (maybe a snack) and read on!  There are several updates below.

Reminders and Updates:

  • We are pleased to share Bishop Christian’s 5/20/20 weekly message with you.  Subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive notifications of future videos.

  • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament continues to be available every Sunday from 9 a.m. until 12 noon in the main church until further notice.

***Please be sure to maintain proper physical distancing (at least 6 feet) when entering, inside and exiting the church.  We also ask that if you or someone in your household has any symptoms such as a cough, fever, sore throat, etc., please refrain from entering the church.  We thank you for your patience and consideration during this difficult time.

  • Archived recordings of the weekend Gospel and Bishop Christian’s homily are posted on our parish website on Saturdays at 2 p.m. and on our parish Facebook page on Sundays at 8 a.m.

  • NEW: As we mentioned in yesterday’s email, we’ve begun planning for the distribution of Holy Communion and for the day that we’ll be able to resume public Masses.  Both will require advance preparations and a plan that follows many safety precautions.  We’re hoping to form a corps of volunteers to assist us with the execution of this plan.  If you’re interested and able to help, please email your name and contact information to: or call the parish office at: 603-883-0757, ext. 2.  Thank you for your consideration!

  • NEW: We have begun a new parish ministry to sew face masks for members of our parish family: Hands to Work, Hearts to God.  How do you request a mask?  Currently our inventory is limited.  If you would like to request masks for your family, we ask that you limit one request per family and one mask per family member.  Please use this request form located on our parish website.  Thank you!

  • NEW: We continue to be extremely grateful for the continued contributions to the parish weekly offertory, however without regular Masses, our offertory has substantially declined.  Your support is extremely helpful in assisting us meet our regular financial obligations.  There are many ways you can donate to the parish.  You may use our Online Giving option, the mail, drop off at the parish office, or place in our locked mailbox located outside and to the left of the main entrance doors.  Thank you for doing the best you can during this difficult time!

  • The deadline for the St. Joseph’s Knights of Columbus Council 12311 scholarship is next Friday, May 29th!  There are two individual $1000 scholarship awards available for the 2020-2021 school year.  Click here for the Student Scholarship Application.  To date, we’ve only received one application!

  • The parish office will be closed from Thursday, May 21st (Ascension Thursday) through Monday, May 25th (Memorial Day).  We will reopen on Tuesday, May 26th at 9:00 a.m.

***Please note that the church will remain open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for private prayer during this time.


This Memorial Day we pay special tribute and pray for all those who courageously laid down their lives for the cause of freedom.  May the example of their sacrifice inspire in us the selfless love of Jesus.  If you have any questions, special needs or prayer intentions, we encourage you to contact us.  You may email us at or call the parish office at 603-883-0757,

ext. 2.

May God bless you, Bishop Christian and the Parish Staff

Kim Dupont

Office Manager

St. Joseph the Worker Parish

777 West Hollis Street, Nashua NH 03062

603-883-0757, Ext. 2



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