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Guidelines for Public Celebration of Weekend Masses (effective June 13, 2020 through June 6, 2021)

UPDATE: JUNE 6, 2021: Mass COVID restrictions have been lifted. Please find more information here.


  1. Masses will be celebrated on Saturdays at 4:00 p.m. and Sundays at 10:00 a.m. beginning on the Feast of Corpus Christi (June 13th – 14th). The Sunday 8 a.m. Mass has been temporarily suspended and will be reinstated in the near future.

  2. Please do not attend if you are ill or have been in contact with someone who is, or if you have traveled internationally or outside northern New England by public transportation within the last fourteen days.

  3. If you are over 65 years of age or have serious underlying medical conditions which would compromise you should you contract COVID-19, be prudent in your decision to attend Mass. Even with Mass being available, the obligation to attend Mass is temporarily suspended for anyone reluctant to attend, especially those for whom it is medically inadvisable.

  4. Entrance into the church will be through the main doors only.

  5. Please observe appropriate social distancing at all times both outside and inside the church.

  6. For the safety of others, those 5 years of age and older are requested to wear face masks at all times, removing them only to receive communion in the designated areas. Face masks will be provided to anyone who does not have one upon arriving at the church. Face masks should cover the participants mouth, nose and chin.

  7. There will be no worship aids for use in the benches, and there will be no liturgical processions.

  8. Weekly offerings should be placed in the basket at the entrance to the worship space. There will be no formal collection during Mass.

  9. There will be a limited number of liturgical ministers. Only the music ministry will sing. Members of the congregation may softly hum or “sing in your hearts”.

  10. With appropriate social distancing, we can seat about 160 people in the worship space. We will have an excellent live stream of the Mass into the parish hall to accommodate any greater number so that everyone who comes can worship well.

  11. Please follow the directions of the Ministers of Hospitality at all times.

  12. The worship space and parish hall will be sanitized after each Mass.

  13. Please do not use the bathrooms unless you have an urgent need.


  1. Upon arrival, Ministers of Hospitality will seat each person or family group. People will enter the designated bench and move all the way to the end of that bench, stopping six feet from any previously seated person(s).

  2. Masks are to be worn at all times being removed only at communion to consume the host in the designated areas. Communion will be distributed in the hand only and the Precious Blood will not be distributed.

  3. There will be no community singing, liturgical processions or exchange of the sign of peace.

  4. Communion will be distributed section by section. Ministers of Hospitality will indicate when a given bench is to come forward and the direction in which people should proceed.

  5. At the end of Mass, Ministers of Hospitality will indicate when a bench should leave the worship space and by which door. People in the church hall will exit by the door in the rear of the hall.

  6. Please do not congregate or socialize at the doors of the church before or after Mass and be conscious of social distancing at all times.

Thank you for your adherence to these guidelines and we look forward to celebrating with all that can attend!



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