In his Second Letter to the Thessalonians which we read from today, St. Paul urges them to stand fast in the face of deep social disapproval. The Christian faith does not bring them prestige, but mockery, and this can lead to a sense of unworthiness. Paul assures his audience that in their
steadfast adherence to the faith, they are proving themselves worthy of the call they received from God. This is what they must keep foremost in mind as they struggle to live out their faith. In doing so, the name of Jesus is glorified in the sense that they publicly acknowledge him through words and deeds. They in turn are glorified in the truest sense, acknowledged and rewarded by Christ whose estimation matters infinitely more than society’s. Paul’s words have a great relevance for us who find ourselves in a culture that often scorns the teaching of the Lord and puts pressure on us in one way or another, to not live it out. When we are faithful, we are the light that shines in the darkness and fulfill God’s role for us. Let us not be ashamed to publicly give witness to the Lord.